

All VermoHub plans include full set of functionalities described below, the only difference is price for amount of processed data.

Device works in 'Always Connected' model - it is always connected to the Internet

Advanced energy management with a battery buffer and power supply from renewable energy allows the device to operate in places without access to a permanent power supply

x509 standard for public key certificates

LWM2M access - managing devices

VermoPlatform access

MQTTS support

COAPS support

HTTPS support

Cloud data computing

Transfer data directly to customer data warehouse

VermoCloud Package

All VermoHub functionalities are provided without extra costs. You are paying only for amount of processed data. We charge a fee of 100.000 messages valid for one year from activation.

Up to 20 devices

0.5 EUR / 100k messages

1 year validity from activation

20-100 devices

0.45 EUR / 100k messages

1 year validity from activation

More than 100 devices

0.37 EUR / 100k messages

1 year validity from activation

VermoStorage Package

VermoHub Storage package is a price for storing data in the VermoHub cloud infrastructure. We charge a fee for a 100MB package valid for one year from activation. We charge a fee for 100Mb of disk space on our servers, valid for one year from activation.

100MB Package

1.2 EUR

1 year validity from activation

VermoConnect Package

VermoHub LTE package allows device to work in Always Connected mode. Provided price is cost for 100Mb mobile data. Package is active for up to 1 year. We charge a fee for a 100Mb package valid for one year from activation (max message size 1KB). This package is optional - if you are not able to provide Internet connection to the device (eg. using Wi-Fi).

100Mb Package

2.5 EUR

1 year validity from activation

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